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Cookie Bouquet


Each bouquet comes with dried florals and is tied in a beautiful bouquet arrangement!

Bouquet of 5 cookies: $45 

Bouquet of 10 cookies: $75

Bouquet of 15 cookies: $105

**5 cookie bouquet can be shipped across Canada**


*NEW*🔥 Smarties cookie with mini white chocolate chips, a brownie centre and topped with more brownie 

🍪 Chocolate chip cookie with a caramel centre topped with pretzels and marshmallows 


🍓 White chocolate chip strawberry meringue cookie with a white chocolate centre 

🍪Oreo white chocolate chip cookie with Oreo filling in the centre 


🥜 Chocolate chip cookie with Reese’s peanut buttercup chunks, topped with salty potato chip pieces 


🔥S’mores cookie || loaded chocolate chip cookie with a fluffy marshmallow centre 


🎂Birthday cookie|| chocolate chip cookie stuffed with funfetti topped with pretzels, marshmallows, funfetti and caramel bits


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