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  • Indicate on the contact form what the address, postal code & name of recipient is

  • 1-2 day shipping is required to ensure freshness and is between $10-$25 based on address. 

XXL 6" Cookie $35

This cookie is THICK and can be cut into 8 triangles

  • Cookies'n cream cookie with oreo and hershey chocolate chunks

  • Classic chocolate chip cookie with chocolate chips & Hershey milk chocolate chocolate chunks

  • Smarties cookie with mini white chocolate chips and brownie chunks

  • Chocolate chip cookie with a werthers caramels topped with pretzels and marshmallows 

  • White chocolate chip strawberry meringue cookie with a white chocolate chunks 

  • Reese’s peanut buttercup chunk cookie, topped with salty potato chip pieces 

  • S’mores cookie loaded with chocolate chips and fluffy marshmallow 

  • 🎂Birthday cookie- chocolate chip funfetti cookie topped  with pretzels, marshmallows, and caramel bits


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